Week 6:
Most people are somewhat familiar with the process of shading with a pencil, but not everyone knows the drawing techniques for creating value with a pen….I focus on pen because and very similar to inking with a tablet/cintiq.
There is one main difference between shading with a pencil and shading with a pen: with pencil, you can apply shading by increasing pressure – in other words, pressing the pencil harder against the paper in the areas that you want to appear darker. With the exception of ball point pens, you can’t use the pressure technique in pen and ink to create value.
You might be surprised to learn that, aside from the pressure technique, the basic drawing techniques for creating value when drawing with pen involves exactly the same strokes as when using pencil. The basic strokes include hatching, cross-hatching, scumbling, contour-hatching, and stippling, as shown in the examples below.
For 10 minutes: practice as many variations on ink-based value techniques on volumetric or compound shapes (spheres, cubes, perspective, etc…)